Sunday, January 26, 2020

Worlds Within Worlds - Field Recordings 2020

I was digging through some old mixes that had never been uploaded to Mixcloud and I came across a couple of old field recording mixes. The plan was to combine the two into a new mix. Well, as usual, the mix changed and I ended up creating a new field recording mix from scratch. Sort of.

I did use a couple of snippets from the original mixes. The first is from about 4:40 - 6:30, next one comes in around 27:35 - 28:35, and one more from about 29:10 - 33:45.

I'm not going to provide a tracklist because most of the time there are 3 or 4 things playing at once and many times there aren't tracks associated with actual artists, some are just a bunch of sounds I found online. Or in one case, a file I found on my hard drive. I used a track that is called "rain thunder guitar loop." There is no artist associated with the file & I have no idea where it came from.

I'll point out a few specific artist tracks used in the mix(times are approximate):

-  10:44 - 15:00  Ross Alexander - Jinja on the Nile 
-  18:26 - 20:31  Spheruleus - Water Lane
-  21:38 - 25:30  Michel Banabila - Innercity
-  35:07 - 40:00  Wil Bolton - Crossing
-  42:42 - 43:51  Luis Miehlich - 3105
-  44:00 - 44:44  Wave Temples - Arrival at the Bay of Orpheus

There are lots of other artists appearing throughout the mix but those listed above are the most clearly discernible. Quick shout out to my neighborhood frogs which make an appearance from about 47:47 to 50:00. How do I distribute their royalties?

 I hope you enjoy this sound excursion. 

[ s t r e a m ]    [ d o w n l o a d ]    [ i t u n e s ]



the Interstellar Radio Station said...

I dare say you have touched upon the state of the art with this mix as we are in the age of the field recording. Could have easily gone on another 2 hours without issue. Hope to see another like it this year.

The Interstellar Radio Station said...

Still a masterpiece.