First up is some more ambient dub goodness. From Alan Lockett comes nowthatswhaticallmnmlambidubtechno! vol.1 - a self-assembled continuous minimal ambient dub techno mix. Excellent mix that lead me discovering bvdub, which was the subject of the previous post. Alan write reviews for several zines & really knows his stuff.
Alan recommended this compilation from the cism netlabel. The V/A comp is called Cismarine, a wonderful collection of ambient/techno/dub tracks. Here's the direct link to the zip download... http://www.cismsound.net/cism_5/cism_5.zip
Here are links to radio shows & mixes by severence... http://www.severence.net/index.html http://www.severence.net/sound.html More excellent mixes with the recent radio shows featuring more of the ambient dub sound I've been yacking about.
Play My Tape has a ton of guest mixtapes/podcasts for download. Have fun browsing.
The Quiet Sounds is another great source of music. The most recent podcasts are straight mixes. While some of the older ones have Brian B. introducing the tracks & enlightening the listeners along the way.
That should be enough to keep everyone busy for now.
Post any other mixes you've found in the comments sections.
Apneia had a lot of new music before it stopped in 2007. Sound quality is a bit low though. Searching for some of the songs played by Apneia, I ended up on your site.
I'm a huge fan of the mixes; the short-wave was excellent and I keep it in constant rotation. Recently, inspired by an old radio playing in the Italian butcher shop at the end of my street, I mixed up a CD of old opera 78s from archive.org, all with the beautiful scratches and decades of rough treatment in full effect. I mixed those with some sound transit field recordings and more recent glitchy piano stuff (bosques de mi menthe, etc.) and it turned out really well. You might consider a full mix in this vein; I for one would snap it up.
best, and thank you.
I'm glad you're enjoying the mixes. :)
That sounds like a fantastic idea! I'll definitely give it a try when I get time, probably not until September.
Is there any way you could post or send me a sample of what you have done with the old 78s? I'd love to hear it & get some ideas. Email me if we can transfer some files.
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