Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The Spirit of Talk Talk


Talk Talk is an interesting band. Their musical style evolved significantly over time, moving from synth-pop to a more experimental art rock and post-rock sound, particularly with the albums 'Spirit of Eden' and 'Laughing Stock'. I like every phase of their career but I especially love the album 'Spirit of Eden'.

Those last two albums have grown in stature and influence over the decades, inspiring countless musicians with their innovative use of space, silence, and unconventional song structures. It's no wonder that an ambient focused person like me would glom onto Talk Talk when you consider band leader, Mark Hollis's often-quoted sentiment about the importance of silence in music – "Before you play two notes, learn how to play one note... and don't play one note unless you've got a reason to".

Recently a favorite podcast of mine, Discord & Rhyme, dedicated an episode to 'Spirit of Eden'. It's totally worth a listen. You can find here -

After listening to that episode I decided to make a mix of tracks with a 'Spirit of Eden' feel. I used a few tracks recommended by the guys in the podcast - Bark Psychosis, Van Morrison, and Mile Davis. And combined those with 7 other cuts that fit the vibe. I always knew that Rain Tree Crow/Sylvian/Jansen/Barbieri would be a perfect fit. I was excited to use one of my favorite albums of 2022 - 'The Great Awakening' by Shearwater. I had forgotten how much I love that record.

Are there any Talk Talk fans out there? What do you think of this collection of Talk Talk inspired tunes?


[ s t r e a m ]    [ d o w n l o a d ]    [ a p p l e _ p o d c a s t s ]

T R A C K L I S T :

  • 00:00   Steve Jansen & Richard Barbieri - Mother London (Stone To Flesh 1995)
  • 05:52   Phil Clemo - Maze (Through the Wave of Blue 2024)
  • 11:07   Bark Psychosis - Street Scene (Hex 1994)
  • 16:20   Van Morrison - When Heart Is Open (Common One 1980)
  • 22:33   Rain Tree Crow - Blackwater (Rain Tree Crow 1991)
  • 26:44   Shearwater - No Reason (The Great Awakening 2022)
  • 32:00   Tuxedomoon & Cult With No Name - Do It For Van Gogh (Blue Velvet Revisited 2016)
  • 36:18   The Blue Nile - From a Late Night Train (Hats 1989)
  • 40:01   Bed - The Whimps (The Newton Plum 2001)
  • 43:10   Miles Davis - He Loved Him Madly (Get Up With It 1974)
  • 62:37   end


Anonymous said...

Great concept, Dave; I'm sure you'll hear from lots of Talk Talk fans. Laughing Stock is my personal favourite...listened to that on a walkman for months while travelling many years ago. That one Mark Hollis solo album is also very beautiful. Will enjoy this mix over and over!

Low Light Mixes said...

I go back and forth between Laughing Stock & Spirit for my fav Talk Talk album. I'm glad you're digging the mix, it was a blast to create. Cheers!