I ended up using three tracks from the wonderful new label - Driftworks - https://driftworks.bandcamp.com/ I hadn't set out to highlight their new releases, but I'm glad I did because they are worth checking out. They are a sub-label from Whitelabrecs, a label whose artists I have featured in a lot of mixes over the years.
Here are the links to all the music used in this mix:
- https://logicmoon.bandcamp.com/album/music-for-film-vol-1
- https://sine-music.bandcamp.com/album/dreamscapes
- https://driftworks.bandcamp.com/album/glacial-drift
- https://dronarivm.bandcamp.com/album/theme
- https://driftworks.bandcamp.com/album/breathing-space
- https://philippedeschampsfilms.bandcamp.com/album/remember-the-clouds
- https://moolakiiclubaudiointerface.bandcamp.com/album/another-kind-of-earth
- https://driftworks.bandcamp.com/album/signals-and-codes
- https://flynst.bandcamp.com/album/washed-out-pastel
- https://francisgri.bandcamp.com/album/bruma
- https://ab-odnumlaut.bandcamp.com/album/mitochondria-johatsu
- https://chitrarecords.bandcamp.com/album/pictures
- https://projektrecords.bandcamp.com/album/treasure-of-stars-streams-of-consciousness
- https://h-mo.bandcamp.com/album/bark-up-the-spirit-tree
- https://daveluxton.bandcamp.com/album/collected-ambient-works-iii
As long as we are talking about record labels, here are links to some of the labels used in this mix:
- Sine Music - https://sine-music.bandcamp.com/music
- Driftworks - https://driftworks.bandcamp.com/
- Dronarivm - https://dronarivm.bandcamp.com/music
- Moolakii Club Audio Interface - https://moolakiiclubaudiointerface.bandcamp.com/
- Audiobulb - https://audiobulb.bandcamp.com/
- Chitra Records - https://chitrarecords.bandcamp.com/
- Projekt - https://projektrecords.bandcamp.com/
- Ingrown Records - https://ingrown.bandcamp.com/music
T R A C K L I S T :
- 00:00 Logic Moon - Meld (Music For Film Vol.1 2024)
- 02:58 Thomas Lemmer - In The Arms Of Night (Dreamscapes 2025)
- 05:50 Glasbird - 2016 (Glacial Drift 2025)
- 09:00 Bartosz Dziadosz - Harmony (Theme 2025)
- 13:27 Pete Kvidera - Scribble (Breathing Space 2025)
- 16:45 Philippe Deschamps - Remember The Clouds (Remember the Clouds 2025)
- 20:25 The Lonely Bell - Another Kind of Earth Pt. 2 (Another Kind of Earth 2025)
- 23:45 Andrew Heath - Documenting Observations (Signals and Codes 2025)
- 29:30 Flynst - Sea Of Fog (Washed Out Pastel 2025)
- 31:12 Francis Gri - Bruma II (Bruma 2025)
- 34:45 OdNu + Ümlaut - Mitochondria (Mitochondria Johatsu 2025)
- 38:25 Soloi Sounds - Draft (Pictures 2025)
- 42:22 Dirk Serries - Soft Rain (Treasure Of Stars 2025)
- 52:40 H-M O - Soul Laundry Day (Bark up the Spirit Tree 2024)
- 55:18 Dave Luxton - Of The Mist (Collected Ambient Works III 2024)
- 59:53 end
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