Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sequencer City

I have been on a huge sequencer/Berlin-school bender for the last few months. I think it goes back to Paul's train mix back in May. Through that mix I found the music of Gert Blokzijl -  I gobbled up a number of his albums immediately. Then last month I discovered the music of Martin Stürtzer -  He's got a ton of stuff out there and it's all good. I'm not sure how I missed him until now, but I'm glad I found him. 

While listening to all this music I just knew I had to create a mix full of sequencer or Berlin-school tracks. Most of the tunes are new with 5 of them from 2024, a few more from 2019 to 2022. And one golden oldie from 1983 by Edgar Froese. I really enjoyed putting this one together so look for another before the end of the year.

Here are links to all the music used in this mix:


[ s t r e a m ]    [ d o w n l o a d ]    [ a p p l e _ p o d c a s t s ]

T R A C K L I S T :

  • 00:00    Gert Blokziji - Upgraded From The Past 1 (Upgraded From The Past 2019)
  • 06:52    Martin Stürtzer - Uncharted Systems (Dyson Sphere Alpha 2021)
  • 14:00    Edgar Froese - Specific Gravity Of Smile (Pinnacles 1983)
  • 22:00    Jonathan Fitoussi - Rayons solaires (Plein Soleil 2020)
  • 27:12    Just a Human - Pulse (2024)
  • 29:37    Pye Corner Audio - Earthwork (Entangled Routes 2021)
  • 33:24    Thom Brennan  - Eventide Pt. 3 (Eventide 2022)
  • 38:20    Lars Leonhard - Wavelength Dreams (Wave Interference 2024)
  • 44:22    Johan Tronestam - The Castle Above The Clouds (Somewhere Far Away 2024)
  • 50:00    Martin Stürtzer - The Last Outpost (Lander Modules 2024)
  • 57:42    The Rosen Corporation - Part Two (Icy Night's Awakening 2024)
  • 63:23    end


Project IGI said...

Hi "Low Light Mixes" podcast owner, first of all thanks for gr8 mixes, but i noticed after every new ep release, the last ep of the list gets removed from the list. They are all gr8 mixes. I hope you reconsider it and they won't get removed anymore.

Low Light Mixes said...

What exactly do you mean that the last episode gets removed from the list? All the episodes are still available here on the blog and on Apple podcasts and on Mixcloud. They are all there.

Project IGI said...

Sorry, I meant the first episode from the end of the list. If you pay attention more closely you'll notice the number of episodes in the list is always 50. For instance the current first episode from the end of list is now "Electronic Music 1971". It'll get removed on next new episode release.

Project IGI said...

Sorry, I meant the first episode from the end of the list. If you pay attention more closely you'll notice the number of episodes in the list is always 50. For instance the current first episode from the end of list is now "Electronic Music 1971". It'll get removed on next new episode release.