As so often happens with these mixes, there was a specific event that gave birth to this collection of tunes. On Mixcloud a listener asked if I could help identify a piece of music from a defunct website. The tune is looping electro/acoustic music of the type that came out of Japan 10 or more years ago. I found the track and it's lovely. It's Walden Dos by .tape.(yes, there is a . before and after the word tape). I haven't listened to this type of music in a long time. It's a mix of acoustic instruments with bleeps and blops, small melodies, cheap keyboards and lots of little noises. It's related to glitch music but more pretty. I eventually grew tired of it's preciousness and it's oh so twee sounds. But when I heard this song by .tape. I immediately knew I needed to revisit some of these tunes and make a mix. It was great to immerse myself in these micro sounds for a couple weeks. I'm not sure if this style will be a part of my regular listening habits but in small(micro?) doses these tunes can be very soothing. Cheers! [ s t r e a m ][ d o w n l o a d ][ i t u n e s ] T R A C K L I S T :
00:00 .tape. - walden dos(2005)
03:27 Marcus Fischer - Strand(2017)
08:55 The Boats - The Fell In The River(2017)
11:05 Music A.M. - Saturday(2005)
13:55 Aero - Float(2003)
14:45 Aus - apt(2007)
19:04 Carpet Musics - Air(2001)
21:50 Takahiro Kido - poco!(2008)
26:50 Fenton - Neon Giraffe(2005)
31:20 Lullatone - Puddies on the Plyground(2004)
34:16 Brael and Tokyo Bloodworm - Magic Wand(2008)
Here's the first Sunday Morning Music mix of 2018. Most of the music is new. All of the tracks were released in 2018 with the exception of "To Earth" by Ariwo from 2017 and "Jade Visions" by Bill Evans from 1961. There are no vocal tunes in this mix, which wasn't on purpose, it just sort of works out that way sometimes. Many thanks to the artists and labels for the excellent music that appears in this mix. To name just a few... Thanks to Bob Duskis at Six Degrees Records and Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society for the Cloudface Remixes: Thanks to Michael Cottone, aka The Green Kingdom, for the heads up on the new ep "Depths." Thanks to Ryan at Lost Tribe Sound for the sneak peaks of two fantastic albums being released soon, "Sleep Stations" by From The Mouth Of The Sun and "Black Box Animals" by Luton. Thanks also to Harry Towell over at Whitelabrecs for pointing me in the direction of the new Paper Relics album, "The Road Home." And finally thanks to my online friend Thomas Lindsey, aka Tonepoet, for another fine album, "Ocean of Infinity." All the music from these labels and artists is fantastic and I hope you take some time to check them out. I love all the connections, online and in the real world, brought about by our mutual love for music. Thanks for all the great tunes over the years! Cheers! [ s t r e a m ][ d o w n l o a d ][ i t u n e s ]
T R A C K L I S T I N G :
00:00 Albrecht La'Brooy - Daybreak
04:55 Gigi Masin - Morning Light
09:24 Anenon - Open
12:15 Henri Texier - Quand tout s'arrete
17:48 Joachim Staudt - Mother Earth
19:05 Ariwo - To Earth
27:40 Christian Kleine - Sun Star
30:52 Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society - Cloudface
34:42 The Green Kingdom - Velvet Wavescape
37:03 Luton - Archipelago
41:00 Paper Relics - Stoke's Hall
45:05 From The Mouth Of The Sun - About the Birth of Stars
Somewhere out there in the Multiverse, there is another universe just like ours except that everything runs much slower. With a DIY quantum tunneling device in my studio I've been able to bring over a few pieces of music from this other reality. I'm sure many folks have heard the tracks "Justin Bieber slowed down 800%" or "Windows startup sound slowed down 2000%." Those slowed down cuts(and Bieber) come from that alternate universe. I've used tracks from that other cosmos in a few mixes and used them to remix tracks in many mixes over the years. A previous mix used all slowed down tracks. You find that mix here... This new mix is all stretched/slowed tunes as well. There are some pretty recognizable tracks in the mix. Or at least they were recognizable in our universe. Actually most are still familiar if not immediately recognizable. According to my brother from another mother in the other universe, our sped up music doesn't work quite as well in their ambient mixes. Although if you play Hall & Oates "Kiss on My List" at 45rpm instead of 33rpm you get a nice little dance tune out it. Don't ask how I know that. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this mix from an alternate slow version of our universe. Cheers! [ s t r e a m ][ d o w n l o a d ][ i t u n e s ] T R A C K L I S T :