I'm not sure where this mix began. Possibly late at night, glass of whiskey on the table, slow jazz playing in the background. Arve Henriksen probably came up & got me thinking about dark, atmospheric jazz. Which sends me to Spotify to investigate more jazz noir, which leads to the discovery of Shadowdream & Dead Combo, which leads to a new mix. As you've probably guessed by now this is a late night, atmospheric jazz set. I knew when I started this mix that I'd have to include something from the Twin Peaks soundtrack because that is the first thing I think of when contemplating noir jazz. The Angelo Badalamenti & David Lynch cut that I picked works nicely because also used it for the title of the mix. I really like the mood and feel of this entire mix and I hope you do too. Grab a scotch and give it a spin in the dark. Cheers!
I've always been a fan of long form ambient. It's goes all the way back to side-long cuts on Fripp & Eno'sNo Pussyfooting and Eno'sDiscreet Music. And more recently to the many full album cuts from Steve Roach. He's got a number of long form tracks and I'm not sure how many he has released. For this mix I decided to feature a bunch of long tracks and to also let a large chunk of each to play. Most cuts in the mix play for about 20 minutes or so. Which is why this ends up easily being the longest mix I've ever done, clocking in at 6 hours and 15 minutes. The version on Mixcloud is 5 1/2 hours because I needed to get the file size under 500mb. This mix should work well as an all night sleep aid. Cheers! [ s t r e a m ][ d o w n l o a d ][ i t u n e s ] T R A C K L I S T :
00:00 Alio Die - Ultima Latet
19:15 James Johnson & Stephen Phillips - Lost at Dunn's Lake
43:15 Disturbed Earth - Butterfly
58:15 Brian Eno - Neroli
1:11:15 Sonmi451 - Ruis
1:30:15 Steve Roack - Etheric Imprints
1:43:55 Aloof Proof - The Ghost Ship
2:03:20 Harold Budd - As Long As I Can Hold My Breath