Modern-classical, neo-classical, acousmatic, electro-acoustic, ...whatever you want to call the genre, I think this mix fits.
You'll hear lots of strings, some piano, some beats and more strings. It has a vague sort of chamber music feel to it. The mix takes a detour about halfway through with the Pjusk track. It's a good tune but doesn't necessarily fit the modern classical theme of the mix. But I think it flows well with the other tracks around it.
A lot of music I have been listening to sort of falls into this neo-classical/acoustic category so this was just a chance to get some of it out there in a mix.
I've been listening to a lot of older music lately. Been on a big progressive rock kick, King Crimson, Steve Hackett, Willowglass, Pink floyd, Phil Manzanera, Strawbs, etc. This lead me to dig up some older ambient tunes, which lead to this mix.
Listening to Michael Brook's "Hybrid" from 1985 brought back memories of how wonderful that album is. So I grabbed other ambient recordings from around the same time period and the result is the new mix, "always returning". I stole the title from the Eno tune which finishes the mix. It's appropriate because this is music that I will return to often.
Most of the recordings are from the 1980's, with two fo them from '77 & '78. There's a fair amount of Eno in here, whether it's his own tracks or his production. I guess that appropriate because in the '80's, Eno was an ambient god.
I hope you enjoy this quick bit of time traveling.
I recently was given a box of old sound effects records like the one in the picture. These albums brought back a lot of memories. As a kid I would go to the public library down the street and borrow their sound effects records. I guess that was an early sign that I'd end up with music tastes that were a bit different.
This new mix is perfect for my new vinyl sound effects collection, unfortunately I finished the mix before I got the records. So I'll have to save them for the next installment in the field mixes.
For this mix, the 3rd in the field music mixes, I tried to use more natural sound and less music. There are definitely musical elements here, thanks to Spheruleus, Nigel Samways and others. I tried to pick field sounds that weren't too obtrusive. There are many sounds that are interesting to listen to, but don't work as ambient "music". After a nice quiet section of wind blowing through bamboo, hearing fireworks exploding wouldn't work for me.
I'd like to bring attention to to releases used in this mix. They both come from a new netlabel, Audio Gourmet. "Rust" by Spheruleus & "Momentary" by Darren Harper are the first two releases. They are excellent recordings & they are free so check them out. Each one has a cut in the new field mix.
The tracklist is a bit vague, as the times are even more nebulous than normal. I hope you enjoy this latest field mix.
Download (right click/save as) : 82mb, 60min thru the field
T R A C K L I S T :
00:00 Chihei Hatakeyama - Distant Sound of a Bustle
04:00 Loren Nerell - Wind Through Bamboo Forest
06:00 The Black Dog - M1
08:30 Jason Kahn - Transit
10:00 Framework podcast 11-5-09 excerpt
13:30 Seattle Phonographers Union - Hollow Earth Radio(excerpt)
15:30 Nigel Samways - City of Gas Street Lamps
19:00 Spheruleus - it sits on a shelf inside my skull
25:00 Mister Vapor - Rain 1
31:00 Chihei Hatakeyama - Dance of the Sea
33:00 Chris Watson - Vatnajokull
35:00 Quiet American - Khulna Station
37:00 Thomas Koner - 45_26n, 12_20e (hour three)
40:00 Steve Bradley - SO2 Emissions
41:30 Cecile Le Prado - Passages
43:30 Spheruleus - Rusting
47:30 Richard Chartier - Fields for Recording (excerpt)