Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Gossamer by Robert Farrugia

Photograph by Saviour Bonnici

I've said many times that I love guest mixes. And I especially love getting mixes from artists that I've been listening to for years. Such is the case with this new set from Robert Farrugia.

I have several of Robert's albums and I always look forward to checking out his new material. Well, now he's got some new material definitely worth checking out. His new album is called "Natura Maltija - Official Soundtrack" and it just came out last week. You can find it here -

Check out the series that the album is a soundtrack for -

To celebrate the release of this new album Robert put together a wonderful ambient mix for us. Here is what he says about it:

"This mix features a selection of tracks from recent Ambient, Neoclassical, and Electronica releases, curated by Robert Farrugia. Centered around my latest album, 'Natura Maltija - Official Soundtrack,' the mix also includes tracks from friends and collaborators."

Links to all the music used in this mix:

Thanks to Robert for curating this excellent collection of tunes that fits perfectly into the Low Light Mixes vibe.


[ s t r e a m ]    [ d o w n l o a d ]    [ a p p l e _ p o d c a s t s ]

T R A C K L I S T :

  • 00:00 Benoît Pioulard - Op. 448, Adagio (Hallucination Archive 2024)
  • 06:34 Joachim Spieth & Warmth - Spectral (Fragments 2025)
  • 11:03 zakè, From Overseas, City of Dawn - Certain Path (Certain Path 2024)
  • 14:41 Robert Farrugia - Bufula (Natura Maltija 2025)
  • 16:50 A Lily - Kemn Nixtieq Li Qed (Saru l-Qamar 2024)
  • 20:29 Robert Farrugia - Qabru (Natura Maltija 2025)
  • 26:39 Robert Farrugia - Qarnita (Natura Maltija 2025)
  • 31:38 Jogging House - State (Softie 2024)
  • 37:57 A Lily - Solar Systems (Virgin Stoner: Works 2001-2004 2024)
  • 44:12 The Green Kingdom - Sunsetgradient (Ether Hymns 2024)
  • 48:05 rhubiqs - Hope’s Canvas (Aegis of Silence 2024)

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