One of my favorite discoveries over the past year has been Innesti. The last album, released in February, is called Formless and that describes perfectly the music of Innesti. The tunes have a hazy, meandering feel that I love in ambient music. Today Innesti releases a new album - Between Worlds, which I am very excited about. To celebrate this new release we have a new mix from Innesti created for Low Light Mixes. The new mix is called Levitate and here is what the artist has to say about it: "This mix is designed to showcase some recent ambient releases from 2019. The soundscapes are introspective, quiet, and restorative, and should be ideal for reading, sleeping, or meditating." Check out Innesti music here: I'm playing the new album for the first time as I type this and it's wonderful! Thanks for the great music and beautiful mix! Cheers! [ s t r e a m ][ d o w n l o a d ][ i t u n e s ] T R A C K L I S T : 00:00 Innesti - Oars Divide the Ocean (Between Worlds) 05:03 anthéne - Lost Channel (Lost Channel) 08:40 Bzaurie - Flight of Pollen (Floral Patterns) 13:50 Tabard - Garden Palace (Garden Palace) 17:45 扎克 - Radiance (扎克) 21:35 Eternell & endlesstrains - Elevation (Autumn Sky) 25.19 Kenji Kihara - Hayama Ambient 001 (Hayama Ambient 001)
This mix, Summer Slumber, is the first in a continuing series of sleep mixes made exclusively for Select subscribers. The title says it all - this is music to fall asleep to. It starts with a few crickets and night noises to give it an open window, summer feel. From there we delve into atmospheric synth washes perfect for sleeping. If you are interested in this and other exclusive mixes go here to subscribe & find out more - Subscribers also get unlimited plays, fast forward AND rewind, offline listening, and upfront tracklists. The Select program also directly supports low light mixes, plus the music and artists we play. Cheers and Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........
I made a list of my favorite ambient albums of the first half of 2019 and noticed that there were 6 releases from the Whitelabrecs label on it. Harry Towell, who records as Spheruleus, runs Whitelabrecs and he has done a great job expanding the roster of artists and getting better and better every year. So to celebrate all these excellent recordings I decided to make a mix using all 2019 Whitelabrecs releases. You can find Whitelabrecs on Bandcamp here... Here are all the albums used in this mix...
The 18th installment in the Sunday Morning Music series is here. It starts with one of my favorite albums of the year - Spirit by Rhye. It's so beautiful and intimate. From there we get some more pretty tunes because that's what I want on Sunday morning - no dark ambient drones here, just pretty and calm. All the tracks are fairly new - the oldest being from 2016, while most are from this year. Sunday morning musings - the cover pic of a cup of coffee reminded me of something. I've noticed in a lot of the science fiction I read that coffee is very important to a lot of characters in sci-fi stories. Many times it's in a post-apocalyptic world and coffee has become rare, a character finds a stash of coffee and it's like striking gold. Or a character is in space and has been traveling for a long time and finally gets to a location that has coffee and again it's like they have found the holy grail. This type of thing happens more often than I would have expected. I wonder if it's because writers drink lots of coffee as they write and they know that coffee is the world's most wonderful liquid(right behind beer). Grab some coffee, interstellar or not, and take a listen to this latest mix. Cheers! [ s t r e a m ][ d o w n l o a d ][ i t u n e s ] T R A C K L I S T :
00:00 Rhye - Awake(Spirit 2019)
03:39 Marty Hicks - Alnum Hymn 56(Olreilion 2019)
06:55 Lullatone - Waking Up On A Picnic Blanket(Music For Museum Gift Shops 2019)
09:29 Ann Annie - Wander Into(wander into 2019)
15:00 Wilson Tanner - Sun Room(69 2016)
19:30 Joseph Shabason - 1517(Anne EP 2019)
25:05 High Tides - Tidal Movement(Paradise Daze 2019)
28:36 Kryshe - Meditation(Hauch 2019)
31:31 Meitei - Nami(Komachi 2019)
35:00 Andrew Heath - Headland(Soundings 2017)
36:31 Nicholas Britell - The Children of Our Age(If Beale Street Could Talk 2018)
37:47 Corey Fuller - Lamentation(Break 2019)
40:22 Wilson Tanner - Odd Low(69 2016)
43:22 Rhye - Green Eyes(Spirit 2019)
45:37 The Phonometrician - Poppy Meadows(Mnemosyne 2019)
50:48 The Hardy Tree - After The Rain(Stagale EP 2019)
56:30 Lullatone - Morning Coffee(Music For Museum Gift Shops 2019)