After six months of travel from Earth, NASA's InSight spacecraft is on a precise trajectory to land on Mars. If all goes well it should be touching down on the surface of the red planet about 6 hours after this mix is initially posted. The tracks for this mix have all been selected to tell the story of InSight and its journey to Mars. The track titles take us chronologically from Farewell, O Earth to Between Two Worlds to Arrival to Descent to Landing to Sunrise on Mars. Godspeed InSight! Cheers! [ s t r e a m ][ d o w n l o a d ][ i t u n e s ]
T R A C K L I S T :
00:00 Murcof & Vanessa Wagner - Farewell, O World, O Earth
I work in TV news so as you can imagine with the midterm elections, wildfires, mass shootings, presidential tweets, etc., things can get pretty crazy. Sometimes you need to step back and take a breath. That's where this new mix comes in. This collection is called "Breathe Deep" because all the tunes have a pace to them that sort of mimics breathing. In and out, back and forth, ebb and flow. It's similar to three other mixes I've done that follow the same path. This works very well as a sleep mix because it follows the slow breathing of a sleepy human(and dog). Breathe deeeeeeeep. Cheers! [ s t r e a m ][ d o w n l o a d ][ i t u n e s ] T R A C K L I S T :
00:00 Helios - Mulier
06:25 Deepspace - Dark Dark Blue
14:25 Max Corbacho - Starlight Grace
20:12 Chequerboard - A Field of Night
26:07 Tonepoet & Cloudfall - A Recollection of Distances
I have collaborated with Paul Asbury Seaman and several mixes and I look forward each and every one. Paul's mixes tend to be more ethereal, spiritual than mine and that's why I enjoy them so much. they take me on journeys I would go on otherwise. They way Paul and I work on these mixes is he sends me his well thought out tracklist in order. Then I just mix them together so they flow well. Essentially, Paul does all the heavy lifting. So here is our latest collab - Shimmering Land. Paul had this to say about it: "Meg Bowles is one of the few (prominent) female artists working in the ambient/electronic genre. She has only released five albums, including Evensong earlier this year, seven years after her last one, so there’s cause for celebration. All her albums are top-notch ethereal/soothing journeys similar to the tracks by other artists featured here. This mix includes a beautiful piece by Deborah Martin from her recent compilation." I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Cheers! [ s t r e a m ][ d o w n l o a d ][ i t u n e s ] T R A C K L I S T : 00:00 Meg Bowles - Into the Gloaming (The Shimmering Land 2013) 08:25 Sherry Finzer & Tom Moore - Infinite Space (Whispers From Silence 2016) 14:30 Alio Die - Radiance Revealed (Time Zone Portal 2017) 22:25 Ishq - Scielienta (Lyght 2018) 27:30 Jeff Greinke - High Flyers of the Night Sky (Before Sunrise 2018) 35:50 Meg Bowles - The Forgotten Valley (From the Dark Earth 1999) 42:55 Zero Ohms - Glimpsing the Eternal (Process of Being 2014) 55:00 Deborah Martin - Blue Lake (Selections 2018) 61:10 bvdub - Rainless [R]ivers (A Different Definition of Love 2018) 72:07 end