This is one of those mixes where the title pretty much says it all...Summer Sleeps. I found that if I keep titles fairly straight forward and clear that plays on Mixcloud go up a bit. I listen to music every night when I go to bed. And lately I was getting bored with old sleep mixes so of course the solution is to make a new one. There's not much else to say about this mix, just lay back and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. [ s t r e a m ][ d o w n l o a d ][ i t u n e s ]
T R A C K L I S T :
00'00 Stephen Vitiello and Taylor Deupree - From the Fish House
06'00 Manual - Last Light
10'50 Moon Eye Lids - My Only Moon...
18'30 Sonmi451 - Ruis
25'20 Budd and Eno - Against the Sky
29'00 James Johnson - Entering Twilight
37'50 Steinbruchel - Home
44'15 Kyle Bobby Dunn - Powers of None
48'22 Ruben Garcia - Rainy Day
52'20 Tom Heasley - Ground Zero
1'00'50 St. Kilda - You Are In Every Dream
1'03'53 Tonepoet - So Gently We go
1'11'20 Tiny Isles - With Thanks Petal
1'15'00 Alio Die and Saffron Wood - The Sleep of Seeds
1'18'10 33bowls - Morning
1'24'10 James Johnson and Stephen Phillips - Lost at Dunn's Lake
The timing on this could be better. I've been very busy lately and haven't been able to do a mix. So it's the perfect time for a guest mix. This mix comes to us from Ryan Bissett who produces ambient music as Halftribe. What I love about guest mixes is that I'm usually unfamiliar with many of the tracks. And this mix does exactly that. Only two artists were known to me before I heard this mix. Thanks to Ryan for introducing me to even more new music that I'll never have enough time to listen to. LOL! Halftribe music is one of the discoveries in this mix. Any ambient music fan will appreciate the music of Halftribe. Here are some useful links to Ryan's music... Halftribe Bandcamp Halftribe Soundcloud Halftribe Mixcloud Thanks for the mix! [ s t r e a m ][ d o w n l o a d ][ i t u n e s ] T R A C K L I S T :
00'00 Halftribe - Excursion 4
06'48 Pines - Dowsing Rod
09'06 Letna - Koritnik
13'22 Ex Confusion - Two Things
15'19 Lost Trail - A Stained August For The Jetcrash