Low Light Mixes now has a Tumblr blog. You can find it here... low light on Tumblr I plan on using for more frequent posts. The main blog here on blogspot will remain for posting mixes & the occasional shout out to good music. But with the Tumblr blog I'd like to post random msuic clips, some video, some pix, basically anything that interests me. That way I don't pollute the main Low Light blog with a bunch of other random stuff. So head on over to the Tumblr site & hang out, comment, reblog, tell me to take a hike. Cheers
I found a cool clip on YouTube from the Beatles Abbey Road album. It is the 16 minute medley that closes the album but it's only the vocals. It's fascinating to listen to familiar vocals in a new way. Here's a link to the YouTube clip... Abbey Road vocals. The vocals for "The Sun King" caught my attention and I thought they'd make a nice start to a new Sunday morning mix. I couldn't resist messing with the track a little bit so I slowed it down and mixed part of that slowed down track under the normal one I like the way the sowed track fills the space between vocals. Then I brought the slow track up full to finish off The Sun King. It's really kind of amazing how beautiful the track still sounds even when slowed way down. As I was adding tracks to the mix I stumbled upon the Sun Kil Moon song "Sunshine in Chicago" and it hit me that the mix should revolve around the sun. So every song on the tracklist has "sun" in the title. I love using a keyword to narrow a musical search because it always turns up cuts I had completely forgotten about. In this case I was very excited to have dug up "Eternity's Sunrise" from the "Children of Men" score. I'm pretty happy with how this "sunny" mix turned out. Enjoy. [ s t r e a m ][ d o w n l o a d ][ i t u n e s ] T R A C K L I S T :
00:00 The Beatles - The Sun King(vocals only)
01:51 Lights Out Asia - Birds Sing Sun-Rising Hymns
04:55 Jon Hopkins - Sun Harmonics
12:10 Phosphorescent - Sun, Arise
15:05 Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross - Painted Sun in Abstract
18:00 Boards of Canada - Turquoise Hexagon Sun
23:00 Popol Vuh - Morning Sun
26:17 Alexi Murdoch - Towards the Sun
30:25 Ben Howard - Under the Same Sun
32:45 M. Ostermeier - Sunlight on My Desk
35:15 Underworld - capa meets the sun
37:00 Max Richter - Sunlight
42:28 Jon Hopkins - The Wider Sun
44:48 John Tavener - Eternity's Sunrise
47:10 Vir Unis - Infinite Sun
50:20 David Sylvian - Sunlight seen through towering trees
52:55 The Seven Fields Of Aphelion - Sunburst Chemicals