Sunday, April 11, 2021

memories and tides


It's funny how mixes come together sometimes. I started this one only knowing I wanted it to be pretty straightforward ambient. The easiest thing to do was to start with some new music from the last month or two. As I laid down a few tracks I started to get this feeling of the sea, of drifting on the water, of a quiet harbor. So I went with it.

Before long I had an entire mix of new music that hung together with this beautiful ebb & flow. The theme came about organically. The tracks themselves dictated what the mood would be. I've done other sea themed mixes over the years and this one could be the most subtle. I didn't add any field recordings - any wave sounds were already in a track. It's more about feel and vibe than sound fx.

All the cuts are from 2021 except for Bursts of Static by Olga Wojciechowska. I heard that on the BBC the morning after finishing the mix and knew immediately that I had to include it.

This mix might work well as soundtrack for a rainy spring day or for a nap in hammock as you dream of drifting out on the tide.


[ s t r e a m ]    [ d o w n l o a d ]    [ i t u n e s ]

T R A C K L I S T :

  • 00:00    Jeannine Schulz - Riber (Luminous 2021)
  • 04:35    The Green Kingdom - Atmosphere 1 (Solaria 2021)
  • 09:21    Moss Covered Technology - Pressure Change (Seafields 2021)
  • 15:43    Andrew Heath & Anne Chris Bakker - November (How To Breathe Like A Stone 2021)
  • 26:18    Taylor Deupree - murmur (Mur 2021)
  • 29:21    Daar - Waves Your Back Describes (Entire 2021)
  • 34:25    Andrew Tasselmyer - What We Lost (Yesteryear 2021)
  • 37:40    Observatories - Visible Darkness (Flowers Bloom, Butterflies Come 2021)
  • 41:26    Jogging House - Between (Too 2021)
  • 44:08    Olga Wojciechowska - Bursts of Static (Infinite distances 2019)
  • 48:57    Tapes and Topographies - other distant mermaids (A Season of Loss 2021)
  • 52:33    Spheruleus - Danse de Chambre (Canvas Homes + Supplémentaires 2021)
  • 56:47    Masaya Kato & Valotihkuu - Viviante (Swallow 2021)
  • 59:07    halftribe - Fern Moss (Lucent Forms Travelling 2021)
  • 62:16    end

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