Monday, March 15, 2021

Guest Mix from Brad Deschamps of Polar Seas Recordings


This year I've had the good fortune of posting several cool guest mixes and that continues with this excellent collection from Brad Deschamps of Polar Seas Recordings.

It's not a mix of all Polar Seas releases, in fact only the opening and closing tracks are from the label. But it is perfect timing for a mix from Brad because Polar Seas is releasing three excellent new albums on Friday March 19th.

I love getting guest mixes because there is always great music in them that I have never heard. And that's the case with this one. I think I was familiar with 4 of the 9 artists in the set. So thanks to Brad for exposing me to even more good ambient music. But even more important thanks to Brad for running the great ambient record label - Polar Seas Recordings.


[ s t r e a m ]    [ d o w n l o a d ]    [ i t u n e s ]

T R A C K L I S T :

  • 00:00 - 03:38    Jeannine Schulz - Rooms and Surfaces I
  • 03:38 - 10:53    Laura Luna Castillo - Eight Pounds of Tuberose
  • 10:53 - 15:36    Sea Oleena - On Possession
  • 15:36 - 20:50    Sachi Kobayashi - Nostalgia
  • 20:50 - 29:38    Patricia Wolf - Position From the Sun
  • 29:38 - 35:43    Claire M. Singer - Wrangham
  • 35:43 - 40:01    Lisa Lerkenfeldt - Champagne Smoke
  • 40:01 - 42:53    Sofie Birch - Kandisae
  • 42:53 - 46:00    Clara Engel & Bradley Sean Alexander - Ghost Bird Alive, At Dawn


  1. Yes guest mixes provide fresh music. However, they also typically have been a mixed bag of styles, and therefore depart from the normal thematic format.

  2. I totally get where you are coming from but I look at it as free music. I would not have had a mix ready for this weekend so why not fill the gaps with music from like-minded creators. Thanks for listening and caring enough to comment. Cheers!
