Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Infinite Present


This mix is nice and straightforward - no funky locations, no focus on a single instrument - just straight up ambient. The closest thing to a theme would be that all the tracks are from 2021.

In trying to come up with a title for the mix, I looked through a list I keep of possible titles. If I hear an interesting phrase or combo of words I'll jot it down to possibly use later. In this case I came across "The Infinite Present." It seemed to fit because all the tunes are from 2021 and, even though we aren't through two whole months yet, the amount of new music can sometimes feel infinite.


T R A C K L I S T :

  • 00:00    Andrew Tasselmyer - Sleep Walking (Impulses 2021)
  • 05:05    Arovane - 10 dezember 2019 (Wirkung 2021)
  • 08:32    Crows Labyrinth & Wolfgang Merx - Ornaments I (Ornaments I 2021)
  • 12:50    Chuck Johnson - Serontiny (The Cinder Grove 2021)
  • 19:15    Free Dust - Early Gray (Woo'd Early 2021)
  • 23:50    Hipnotic Earth - Repose Longplay edit (Sleeping Whales 2021)
  • 29:25    Jazzdefector - Magomadas (Ennio's Muse 2021)
  • 32:00    Jogging House - Farewell (Flaws 2021)
  • 36:30    Maiya Hershey - What the Bearing Sea Takes (Music for Another Sky 2021)
  • 40:25    Mehrdad Kanani - Nerves and Veins (Forgotten Conversation 2021)
  • 44:30    Owl - Distant Transmissions (Infinite Horizon 2021)
  • 48:06    Simon McCorry - Ocean Song (All Creatures 2021)
  • 52:42    Thme - Acy (Ennio's Muse 2021)
  • 56:03    William Ryan Fritch - Resurface (Freeland 2021)
  • 57:40    zakè - Distant Shadow (Music for Another Sky 2021)
  • 61:17    end

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