Sunday, January 03, 2021

The Silence of Snow


I was fishing around for an idea for a new mix and mother nature helped out by dropping some fresh snow overnight so that became the theme - The Silence of Snow. I took the picture above on a morning walk through a local nature preserve.

The first draft of this mix had several piano based pieces. I think piano tunes do a nice job of conjuring up snow but I decided to pull them and save them for an all piano snow mix for later in January or February.

Cheers to a better 2021!

T R A C K L I S T :
  • 00:00    Marcus Fischer - Antarctic 2 (Arctic / Antarctic(version) 2020)
  • 05:52    Offthesky - Snow Filled Summer (We Like Ambient 2013)
  • 10:07    Altus - Soft Space (Trailhead 2020)
  • 14:43    Kenji Kihara - men (ten sen men 2018)
  • 22:34    Tonepoet - kalos eïdos skopeïn(an ending) (Kaleidoscope 2020)
  • 25:30    anthéne - hollowed out (infinity lines 2020)
  • 31:02    Moss Covered Technology - Quiet Loop #6 (Quiet Loops 2020)
  • 37:37    Federico Durand - Flor imaginaria (Flor Imaginaria 2020)
  • 41:19    Aglaia - day one (Gravitational Change 2020)
  • 44:12    Test Card - Four Zero Five Line Rewind (Music For The Towers 2020)
  • 47:45    SineRider - Zero Return (Fahrenheit 2017)
  • 51:00    The Humble Bee - Off station, at little afternoon, amidst the saltwater marsh (Daymark 2020)
  • 57:04    end

1 comment:

  1. This is the "snow" counterpart of the aquatic "Ocean Echoes" (May 2017) and quite probably the most laid back mix on the blog. In true ambient form, we listen only for effect; or wander away with the effect. The selections are extremely tight as if all the tracks were written for each other. For this reason the mix is extremely cohesive and very good at what it does.
