Sunday, January 17, 2010

slo mo

Here's the first mix for 2010. It's called slo_mo because all the tunes are slow & droney.

One aspect of this mix that makes it a bit different is the use of a few "stretched" tracks. I think I've mentioned this program here before, it's called "
Paul's Extreme Sound Stretch". I couldn't find a link to it, but at one time, on the web, there was a version of Beethoven's 9th Symphony that had been stretched to 24 hours.

I stretched 3 songs for the mix,
Eno - Music for Airports, Laetetur Cor (Choir of the Abbey of Saint Wandrille) and Budd & Eno - A Stream With Bright Fish. Those tracks along with the others combine for a very slow mix that works pretty well for sleeping(I couldn't make past the 20min mark twice last night).


Download (right click/save as) : 58mb 63:28


T R A C K L I S T :

  • 00:00 Eno - Music for Airports (s t r e t c h e d)
  • 08:25 lexithimie - scale 1
  • 12:35 Apalusa - Coventry, January 21, 2008
  • 18:00 Laetetur Cor - Choir of the Abbey of Saint Wandrille (s t r e t c h e d)
  • 22:20 Budd & Eno - A Stream with Bright Fish (s t r e t c h e d)
  • 30:35 Celer - Gaited Florets
  • 38:00 Porzellan - Rosen
  • 47:10 Spheruleus - Time Fades
  • 54:12 Language of Landscape - And The Rain Embraced Our Closing Words


  1. What a great idea to combine stretched music with un-stretched. Beautiful!!

    He're a link to 9Beetstretch, the fascinating 24 hour Beethove project by Leif Inge:

    Thanks again,

  2. Thanks! I'm glad the stretching worked for you guys. I wasn't sure if it would come off as a lame attempt by a musical amateur.

    I should have squeezed in one more stretched track in the back half, oh well there's always next time. Thanks again for listening.

  3. Thanks for using 'Time Fades' Dave! I will download and listen to the mix right away. Looks like a strong tracklist...


  4. Fantastic mix!
