Sunday, November 28, 2021

absolutely ambient


Between work and Thanksgiving I didn't have time to put together a new mix this week. But then I remembered I had another in the "simply ambient" series waiting in the wings. So here it is - "absolutely ambient."

Like the the others in this series there is no overall theme other than a nice collection of excellent ambient music. With so much new music being released every week it's difficult to keep up and difficult to get it all into mixes. This series allows me to get some of that new music out there.

Links to all the albums used in this mix in the order that they appear:

Links to some of the excellent record labels this music was released on:

I can't believe we are almost to December and I haven't even thought about year-end lists or mixes. Hopefully over the next few weeks I can sort through all the music I've collected, knowing it barely scratches the surface of everything that is out there.


[ s t r e a m ]    [ d o w n l o a d ]    [ i t u n e s ]

T R A C K L I S T :

  • 00:00    Tapes & Topographies - Bathed in Color and Light (Monomials 2021)
  • 05:12    Andrew Heath - Melancholia (Drawings from Imagined Cities 2021)
  • 14:55    Fields We Found - Time (Thanks 2021)
  • 19:48    kj - Saturnalia (Saturnalia 2021)
  • 24:51    Dirk Serries - Recloose (Recloose 2021)
  • 34:47    Sonmi451 - Split Second (Seven Signals in the Sky 2021)
  • 39:15    Ultramarine - Signals Into Space (The Sun in the East 2020)
  • 44:55    Sofie Birch - Whisper Fold Brush Side B exerpt (Whisper Fold Brush 2021)
  • 47:40    Maps and Diagrams - Mazinggarbe (Teygja Part B 2021)
  • 50:00    Wodwo - Airlifted (Thistledown 2021)
  • 53:00    Ishmael Cormack - Ōe (Ōe 2021)
  • 56:15    Ian Nyquist - Sanctuary(Epilogue) (Endless, Shapeless 2021)
  • 60:00    end

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