Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Last Night the Moon Came - A Tribute to Jon Hassell


Last year we lost Harold Budd. And now, just six months later, we lose another icon in Jon Hassell. 

It's nearly impossible to overstate his importance in shaping an entirely new sound, what he would call Fourth World music. His music has influenced scores of musicians and listeners. I've included a lot of Hassell's music in mixes over the years. And, considering he just released a fine album last year, I expected to be featuring his music in mixes for many more years.

This mix is not an overview of his career. It's a collection of tracks that fit together well, starting with a track from the little known Million Dollar Hotel soundtrack, all the way to the final track, Last Night the Moon Came, which sounds like a good finishing cut.

I wish I could say something eloquent or profound about Jon Hassell and his music, but I'm not that type of writer. I let the music speak for itself and, wow, did his music speak to me and many others. I will miss him. 

Thanks for all your great music, Jon.

[ s t r e a m ]    [ d o w n l o a d ]    [ i t u n e s ]

T R A C K L I S T :

  • 00:00    Jon Hassell Gregg Arreguin Jamie Muhoberac Peter Freeman - AM (The Million Dollar Hotel 200)
  • 05:52    Brian Eno & Jon Hassell - Chemisty (Fourth World 1 Possible Musics 1980)
  • 11:06    Jon Hassell - Cool Down Coda (Seeing Through Sound 2020)
  • 12:25    Jon Hassell - Empire I (Aka/Darbari/Java - Magic Realism 1982)
  • 13:52    Jon Hassell - Sundown Dance (Earthquake Island 1979)
  • 18:09    Jon Hassell - Air (Power Spot 1986)
  • 23:09    Jon Hassell - Malay (Dream Theory In Malaya 1981)
  • 29:36    Jon Hassell - Out of Adedara (City: Works of Fiction 1990)
  • 33:55    Jon Hassell - Map of Dusk (Myths 3 1987)
  • 35:10    Jon Hassell - Timeless (Seeing Through Sound 2020)
  • 42:44    Jon Hassell - Maarifa Street (Maarifa Street: Magic Realism, Vol. 2 2005)
  • 49:32    Jon Hassell - These Times (Dream Theory In Malaya 1981)
  • 51:23    Jon Hassell - Last Hight the Moon Came (Last Night The Moon Came Dropping Its Clothes In The Street 2009)
  • 62:15    end

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad your enjoyed the mix and thought it was a fitting tribute to Jon's music. he truly was a trailblazer. He will be greatly missed. Thanks for listening and commenting.
