Being a music geek, I can't help but think of tunes that would make a nice soundtrack for that scene. So while listening to music the last couple of weeks, if I came across a cut that made me think of those walks & the sky, I'd throw them into a folder for later use.
This mix "evening sky" is the result. It's not meant to change musically as the evening sky changes. It's just a collection of songs that reminded me of the sky as it darkens in early evening.
[ s t r e a m ] | [ d o w n l o a d ] | [ i t u n e s ]
T R A C K L I S T :
- 00:00 John Murphy - Mercury
- 00:47 The Sleepy Vines - Kelp Forest
- 02:00 Rim - Gusts of Sand
- 04:50 I've Lost - Absence
- 08:00 Emanuele Errante - Made to Give
- 11:45 Pjusk - sus
- 14:55 Brian Eno - Late Anthropocene
- 19:40 Shaula - Night & Green Grass
- 25:15 Marc Barreca - Fish Culture
- 27:50 Frederico Durand - Pudu Tu Nombre Es Tobias
- 32:10 Sonmi451 - Green
- 38:51 Alio Die - In the Labyrinth Garden
- 43:30 Mark Rushton - Fieldsketch
- 46:35 Emanuel Errante - Dorians Mirror
- 51:40 Wixel - Cloud Formation
- 1:00:00 end
Evening Sky by Lowlight on Mixcloud